Our Team

MRs. Andrea Thomas

Chief Executive Officer

Mrs. Andrea Thomas is a graduate of The College of Architecture and Design at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. She has been our dedicated leader for over 20 years. 

As leader of Mount Olivet Lab School she has organized numerous events and enrichment opportunities for youth in the Twin Cities. It has been under her leadership that Lab School Kid's Café and NOURISH Food Shelf were established. Andrea values community partnerships that enhance Lab School's ability to create positive change for the community.

Mr. Israel Thomas

Communications Specialist

Israel is a graduate of Middle Tennessee State University where he received his BS in Audio Production and a minor in Mass Communications. 

Israel is gifted in many areas such as video production, graphic design and website development. These gifts are currently in residence with the entities below: 

Mount Olivet Labs School • Communications Specialist

Fifteenth Avenue Baptist Church • Communications Manager

Play Like a Girl • Young Professionals Board